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good gods how the world hurts, i listen

Let go of the past that haunts you; the memories that cause you sorrow, what’s past is past and brighter days are worth more than the darkness that robs you of joy; that which is painful is worthy of forgetting.

poet, wise man, step outside my own skin

Be optimistic; look always for the upside of life, the positive rather than the negative.

smash the mirrors that tear me down, whip off this falsehood, this jesters crown

Surround yourself with good people; there is no need for falseness socializing for the sake of appearances, be yourself, be true to you; do not be a false friend truth – honesty – respect –openness are of more value than a tongue that flatters with falsehoods.

take the truth where i can, find the way to be a much better man

Find happiness in all things, the beauty in life; for then we shall find compassion and know purpose when times are at their darkest.

see the world clearer now, finding out with whispers not shouts

Exercise when you can; a healthy body leads to a healthy mind; docility makes us a lesser animal, robs us of worth and ability, makes us a burden rather than a benefit.

feel the pulse, match the beat, heal the world with passionate heat

Change your thinking; live life to the fullest extension of your being, open your mind and find yourself surrounded by new ideas.

Rip the mind with words of others, page after page, such things to discover

Do not let the pettiness of others bother you; be more, be greater, pity them for their faults, help them where you can, help them amend their thinking – draw them away from the negative, the nasty, the spiteful, such bitterness is to be pitied and dismissed with wisdom and compassion and guidance; never dwell on such thoughts of others.

I find the voice, the arms to hold, a brave new world, brave and bold

Live your own life.

I will

Love with all your heart.

I shall

Listen to your inner voices, but never let them shout down  your greater good; we all have voices for the good and for bad, no matter how deep our inner darkness our inner light shall shine through.

I Must

Embrace your dreams, cherish your nightmares.

I do

and find these inner truths

a restless heart so then do soothe